Deviare In-Process Overview
Deviare In-Process is a code interception engine for Microsoft Windows®. It is a dual license library, GPLv3 and Commercial. The source code is available at GitHub.
This library is at the core of our Deviare 2.0 technology, it is the best alternative to Microsoft Detours® but at a more convenient price.
The library is coded in C++ and provides all the facilities required to instrumenting binary libraries during runtime. It includes support for both 32 bit and 64 bit applications and it implements the interception verifying different situations that can crash the process. If you need to intercept any Win32 functions or any other code, this library makes it easier than ever.
Unlike the rest of the libraries, Deviare In-Process provides a safe mecanism to implement multi-threaded application API hooking. When an application is running, more than one thread can be executing the code being intercepted. Deviare In-Process is the only hooking library that provides safe hooking even in this scenario. Also, it provides an equivalent to DetourCreateProcessWithDll function which starts an intercepted process.
This is a fragment of assembler code which shows a code interception in a Win32 API function.
The image shows that every call to the FindNextFile function is handled by the Deviare In-Process library, and allows you to execute your custom code.
You can bind them to events in your application.

The Deviare In-Process instrumentation engine package includes sample code in C++ for a quick start.
Deviare In-Process is licensed under a commercial and open source license (GNU General Public License version 3).
Commercial licensing
The commercial License of Deviare In-Process is the correct license to use for the development of proprietary and/or commercial software with Deviare In-Process where you need to safeguard your development investment to secure your competitive advantage.
You should develop with a Deviare In-Process commercial license if you:
- Use, modify and redistribute Deviare In-Process with no obligation to share your source code
- Access technical support and product updates
- Enjoy greater freedom to license your application as you wish
- Need to incorporate proprietary software for mission-critical applications that prohibits use of open source software
- Need for product warranties & indemnities
- Need to secure that your software cannot be accessed or manipulated by end users
Open Source Licensing
Alternatively Deviare In-Process is also licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3. You can use this edition of Deviare In-Process to create and distribute software with licenses that are compatible with these free software licenses.
Get Deviare In-Process.