Simplify Application Packaging Process
SpyStudio simplifies the packaging progress incresing your team's productivity. Unlike other technologies, SpyStudio doesn't require to execute the application installer making the whole process faster and easier.
Smart Resource Selector
SpyStudio is able to detect which components of the application are important to run in a virtual environment. When you create a package, SpyStudio selects by default most important files and keys based on a propietary algorithm developed in years of packaging experience.
Powerful UI
SpyStudio lets you modify the default selection checking or unchecking files and keys using a simple user interface.
Easy Updates
SpyStudio doesn't need to reinstall the application or detect manually changes in its directory. SpyStudio detects changes and apply them to the application package.
Application Templates
Using these application templates SpyStudio's users can package complex applications using a simple wizard.
Technology Independent
SpyStudio is able to load information from a Symantec Workspace Virtualization layer and convert it to a ThinApp package, or the opposite. This feature reduces your dependency in each technology.