SCG Features & Benefits
SCG main features:
- Length of codes: 4 to 100 characters *
- Type of codes: Numeric, alphanumeric, arbitrary alphabet **
Properties of codes:
- Verification information included in the same code.
- Doesn't require storage of generated codes.
- Unpredictable codes using cryptographic techniques and not arbitrary algorithms.
- Level of security can be calculated precisely based on the code's length.
- Coupon codes generation for business & marketing campaigns.
- PIN generation.
- Phone cards identification for prepaid cards in software like Asterisk.
- Fiscal codes.
- Obfuscation of numbers for different purposes.
- Integration with Twitter for promotional purposes (i.e: autoresponder, autoreply).
Nektra's SCG runs on the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows®
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows XP
- Windows 2000
- Windows NT 3.5 and 4
- Windows 98
- Windows 95
Unix & Unix like
- Linux
- Solaris
- FreeBSD
- NetBSD
- OpenBSD
- Mac OS X
Programming Languages:
- ASP &
- Java
- C#
- C++
- Python
- Perl
- Ruby
- .NET
- COM/ActiveX
- Dynamic Shared Object
* Smaller lengths are used to generate random codes but they don't offer the required security since guessing a code is easier.
** Please contact us for specific requirements in the case of code with an arbitrary alphabet.